The OHEART (Oceanside Homelessness Ecumenical Advocacy Response Team) society are working behind the scenes to find solutions for a future winter shelter and also alternative solutions to homelessness. Diane Jones is updating us as progress is made and we will report news to the congregation. We are determinded to continue to work with other like-minded organizations to alleviate the suffering of our most vulnerable sector. We invite anyone interested in these concerns to join us in supporting Knox's Discrectionary Fund, which provides food coupons and crisis relief for church members and people who walk in off the street. We also support the following organizations and societies with their ongoing relief efforts:
Kairos; SOS, Manna; The Salvation Army; (once Covid is behind us we will once again collect food donations for our local Foodbank.)
Our recent Sock Drive generated an overwhelming number of donations by generous members of our congregations. We filled several black garbage bags with socks and these were donated to Ascension Church which offers showers on certain days to homeless folks. We are currently conducting our annual warm coat drive, asking folks to donate warm coats which are no longer needed. This clothing will go to Ascension for those in need, and a woman who works with homeless people, having been homeless herself at one time, will be sure they will be distributed to people living 'rough'.
Because of Covid-19 Knox can no longer have our Manna sandwich programme, but our stalwart sandwich makers continue to help those in need by receiving large batches of a meal made by the Salvation Army, heating the food, plating it, and then it is delivered to those who are housed in nearby motels.
We also have a new family in town and are in desperate need of help. We are collecting household items, furniture, food etc. for that family. If you wish to help in any way please check the Salvation Army link below.
Social Justice & Outreach continue to respond to needs in the community and afar. Our Minister's Discretionary Fund allows us to meet some of these needs. If you wish to donate in any way, please see our attached brochure for more information.
We do plan to continue with the White Christmas tree in the Sanctuary. Donated gifts (mainly for children) are placed under the tree and donated to SOS. Watch this space for more information about ways we will be helping the community at Christmas and beyond.
We are all in this together, think of ways you can help the less fortunate. Grow a bigger garden-donate your surplus, fruit and veggies when they are ready; support local farms; knit or crochet for the church bazaar, or donate items to Manna. Talk to your neighbours (6 ft. apart) and most of all Stay Safe and Healthy.
Charity addresses and locations:
Manna Homeless Society: Box 389 Errington, B.C. VOR1V0
Salvation Army: P.O Box 1874 Island Highway, Parksville B.C. V9P2G5 or online:
Ministers' Discretionary Fund: Knox United Church 345 Pym Street Parksville , B.C; V9P1C8 or online
Thankyou, from SJO and God Bless