We live because Everything Else Does

This month’s quote is from Richard Wagamese:

“I’ve been considering the phrase “all my relations” for some time now. It’s hugely important. It’s our saving grace in the end. It points to the truth that we are all related, that we are all connected, that we all belong to each other. The most important word is “all.” Not just those who look like me, sing like me, dance like me, speak like me, pray like me or behave like me. ALL my relations. That means every person, just as it means every rock, mineral, blade of grass, and creature. We live because everything else does. If we were to choose collectively to live that teaching, the energy of our change of consciousness would heal each of us—and heal the planet.”   

Wagamese, Richard. Embers , Douglas and McIntyre (2013) Ltd..    

Did you know we live in a UNESCO protected biosphere region?  Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region.  The original global goal arose from the question, “How can we equally balance the conservation of biodiversity and use of natural resources on this plant?”   We live in a beautiful biosphere where wetlands, rivers, ocean, and land create a thriving community, stiving to maintain the goal of a UNESCO Biosphere Region -   creating a place serve where people live and working well together in harmony with nature.  

Living in harmony with nature, God’s creation, is a deep part of our Christian call to live faithfully in God’s world.  For Christians the meaning goes even deeper.  Living in harmony means, knowing, loving, and caring for all creation. This  means that all creation is connected.  Humans are not separate from the rest of creation.  Our relationship with all creation is based on compassion and love.  Treating others, human and more-than-human with compassion and love. As Thomas Merton said, “The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.”   We are an intricate part of a universal biosystem.

Seeing God, the Sacred, in the world around us we begin to understand the wonderful mystery of God’s energy flowing through all creation, joining us together in living unity.  Separating ourselves from God’s incarnation in creation is separating ourselves from the full presence of God.  

Indigenous wisdom and relationship to Creator tells us that we live not just in harmony but in relationship with the land and creation. A relationship based on reciprocity and love. 

“All my relations” includes everything.

Brenda Riley - Green Team