Knox Green Team ~ Spring into Summer

We are springing into June and summer days lie ahead. Days when we dream of a slower
pace, summer holidays and spending more time outdoors reconnecting with nature.

Did you know we are blessed to live in the Mt. Arrowsmith Biosphere? An environment rich
with diversity and unique ecosystems.

I have lived on Vancouver Island for most of my adult life. One of the reasons for moving from Greater Victoria to Parksville was because I had good memories of visiting Rathtrevor Beach, making sandcastles, walking barefoot on the warm sand when the tide was out….this is still a treasured beach but I recognized that last summer I spent very little time there. So this summer it is my intention to learn more about our region’s eco-systems and create new memories in the process.

I looked online for eco-friendly activities in the Oceanside region. The following link will take
you to the Mt. Arrowsmith Biosphere Region AMAZING PLACES.  This is a list of 10 Amazing Places “A collaboration between the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR) and Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism, the project aims to encourage outdoor play, sustainable living, and nature connectedness through the use of interpretive signage, online engagement, and outdoor activities that are fun for all.”

Places like Englishman Rivers Falls, Milner Gardens and the Heritage Forest.  And while you are out exploring why not add in support for local farmers and small businesses - drop by the Qualicum Beach Farmers Market on Saturday mornings
or visit local farms in Errington and Nanoose.

Remember to travel light - car pool, walk, cycle and leave a small footprint in nature.
I invite all of us to create time to renew and reconnect our spirits and bodies to our precious

On behalf of the Knox Green Team

Please watch our 2024 Earth Day Worship service from April 21st  Earth Day worship service