If you are financially able, we invite you to support our faith community via

  • your PAR givings arranged through the Knox treasurer by emailing ENVELOPE, or by dropping off your offering envelope in the secured mailbox outside the front doors of the church at 345 Pym Street.  When in-person worship is being held, you can drop off your envelope before or after worship in the basket outside the front doors of the sanctuary or on the communion table;
  • click on the DONATE button below and complete the donation form;
  • and lastly, for the tech-savvy, e-Transfers are now available. We can now accept your donations to Knox via e-Transfers!  The Knox email to be used is TREASURER
  • Please include your full name and address (for tax receipt purposes) your phone number and email address with your email. 
    If you are intending this for a specific fund or ministry, (e.g. the operating fund, or local or mission & service, or the minister’s discretionary fund) please include this information. 

Your financial contributions are making a positive difference in the lives of people within and far beyond Knox. God’s Spirit is transforming lives through you.   

Thank you for your generosity.
