What is a prayer chain?
A group of people from Knox who have agreed to pray for people as part of their daily prayers. They are linked, like a chain, to one another so that the needs for prayer can be passed on to all the members of the chain.
Please note: no-one is added to a prayer list without their knowledge and consent
Who are we?
We are a group of volunteers who believe in the power of prayer. We believe that healing is Jesus Christ meeting us at our point of need.
Who can be prayed for?
Requests are received from anyone at all who feels in need of prayer, or who might have a relative, friend or person they are concerned about, or an issue that they wish to be remembered in prayer.
Normally, but not in every circumstance, those being prayed for specifically should know about any request made on their behalf and be in agreement with it going forward.
Is it the same as being prayed for at Sunday worship?
No. The prayer chain does not pass names for use in public worship.
Will those being prayed for become known in church circles?
No. This is a confidential process. Members of the prayer chain may only pass on information to other prayer chain members directly. They will not leave messages on answer phones or leave papers about in church to be picked up by colleagues.
What sort of issues can be prayed for?
Any situations that cause sadness, anxiety and distress:
How do I make a request?
You may call the church office @ 240-248-3927 or send an email to KNOX ADMINISTRATION
New links on the prayer chain are always welcome. If you feel called to pray for the needs of others, please contact us to find out more.