"Perfect Gift" Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, Nov 9th, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The very popular Knox “Perfect Gift” Christmas Craft Fair will be held this year on Saturday, November 9th, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Knox United Church, 345 Pym Street in Parksville.
This fair has become a highly anticipated event in Oceanside and for many, it is a sign that the Christmas festivities are underway. Last year, hundreds of eager patrons from Parksville and surrounding communities took advantage of this opportunity to get a head start on their Christmas shopping and entertainment planning.
The craft fair has grown over the years and now offers 80 tables filling 8 rooms with talented vendors who provide a multitude of exciting family-orientated products, home-made food items and many unique craft selections for all ages. These enthusiastic vendors come from communities all over Vancouver Island in order to offer a huge variety of “Perfect Gift” possibilities!
A delicious lunch of soup, sandwiches, chili and sweets at the Knox Cafe, seasonal music and free admission, all add to the festive ambiance of a joyful day.
There is a large parking lot adjacent to the church. Please be aware that there are various parking restrictions on the streets of the church neighbourhood. If you park on a nearby street, please be respectful of our neighbours' driveways and properties and aware of the parking regulations by bus stops, fire hydrants and on bicycle routes.
Please remember that Knox strives to be a scent-free facility. For the comfort of all, the cooperation of our shoppers is most appreciated. Also, because of our concern for people and the environment, we serve only Fair Trade coffee and do not sell bottled water. In the same spirit, please bring your own bags when possible.
NOTE: The funds raised at this annual “Perfect Gift” Christmas Craft Fair help Knox respond to the needs of our local and global community - by offering low cost or free rental of our facility to community groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Rainbows; by providing services to the whole community with programs such as Care Home Worship Services, Grief Support Group and Healing Ministry, and by donating goods and funds to Oceanside groups and beyond, such as First United Church (Vancouver), Manna Homeless Society, Salvation Army and SOS.
Be sure to mark the 15th Annual Knox "Perfect Gift" Christmas Craft Fair on your calendar on Saturday, November 9th, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. This is an exciting event you won’t want to miss!
For more information contact the Knox Church office at 250-248-3927, Knox Administration Office or www.kucparkville.ca.