From the age of 13, Stephanie has expressed interest in helping others. What started as first aid courses turned into lifeguarding courses, and eventually Stephanie went on to complete her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She’s always had a vision of providing services that support others but struggled to pinpoint exactly what those services would be.

Today Stephanie sees the way each aspect of her past has prepared her for the work she does today.
While in nursing school, Stephanie was experiencing chronic migraines. Before graduation, those migraines escalated to daily occurrences and stretched on for a span of 2.5 years. Stephanie looked for answers in what felt like every direction and was looking for that one thing that would change everything.  What she didn’t yet realize was that she was that one thing.

Through her own healing, Stephanie began to embody both ‘the student’ and ‘the teacher’ simultaneously. This remains her style as she provides the space, frameworks, and guidance to support others on their respective healing journeys. Stephanie believes that health and healing are a lifelong evolution and is devoted to her own evolution, the same way she’s devoted to the evolution of others.
When Stephanie is not with clients (whether that be through a healing session, or her work as a nurse), you’re likely to find her at a local body of water. Stephanie loves hiking to waterfalls, swimming in the ocean year round, and plunging into Vancouver Island’s lakes and rivers, usually with her dog, Daisy, in tow.