In the early morning hours, my mother peacefully passed from this world.
Happily, I’m certain, to join her beloved in the kingdom beyond - parents, Vincent and Violet; siblings Malcolm, Stuart and his wife Patricia, the triplets…And her husband, Donald R, Keeler Shirley is survived by her younger siblings Ursula, Sydney, Dwight and in-laws, Florence, Don Chase, John Beggs and Deria.
She will be dearly missed by her sons Derek, Darren and Darrell and fondly remembered to her grandchildren Cameron, Andrew, Kyle, Stuart, Adia, Justin and Elise.
It’s my honour to praise her as I told her many times when she praised me –
We stand on the shoulders of those who go before us.
Shirley began her life as one of the lowest birthweight babies to survive at the time. When her children had grown enough to begin seeing their parent as a personality instead of a role model, we began to rib her - Mom had been born – already at work and she was in a rush to get it completed in spite of weighing less than a kilogram. She finished high school early, was an all-star at secretarial school (she showed me her marks, all A’s 10/10’s and five stars) She got got a job with Canadian General Electric where she met her love.
In a week, it will be 68 years since Mom and Dad began their life in Western Canada with a honeymoon drive on Route 66. I note from her wedding album, the date of her engagement February 16th 1957 leaving just four weeks to plan a wedding and cross-continent journey. When you make a decision – you get on with it. The trip was equal parts holiday and get-away as her parents discovered when they visited a new grandson… six months later.
The next ten years of her life were filled with her husband, children and the communities Victoria, Edmonton and Calgary she lived in. She was a Kinette, the distaff auxiliary of the Kinsmen Service Club. Then she decided to have it all. In the late sixties, during the first wave of woman’s liberation she changed titles to administrator and began a 40 year career in private and government service with several agencies including the BC School for the Deaf, Michael J Fox Theatre and CLEU - the secret police.
Briefly, mom was my Sunday school teacher. When she added outside work to housework, we all became seasonal Christians but love of Christ remained in her soul. It was her intellectual and spiritual pursuit after she retired.
About 20 years ago, after an Advent service, we talked about the story of Mary and Martha. Mom knew she was Martha and she sympathised with Martha when she asked Jesus to get Mary to help with taking care of all these disciples filling her home. Mom was actually pissed that Jesus said Mary had taken the better part and would not have it taken from her. She understood at the deeper level about choosing to serve but we had a good giggle over how wrong Jesus was, in this particular instance.
Her favourite parables were the best known ones – the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. I believe she was moved by the calling to serve even when it’s difficult and the requirement to forgive even when you’re right.
Big challenges, big heart. That’s how I will remember my mother Shirley.
Donations to Alzheimer’s Society of BC
It is with deepest sadness for her family and ourselves that we inform you of the passing of Shirley Keeler on Monday, March 3, 2025. Both Shirley and her late husband Donald were long-time, faithful members of Knox with a strong commitment to community service. They were married for 56 years before Donald’s passing in 2013. Shirley then moved to Origin at Longwood in Nanaimo.
Our loving thoughts and prayers go to her sons Derek, Darren and Darrell and their families and friends.
At her request, there will not be a service.